Unfortunately, with no thanks to the used-car salesman stereotype – you know the image: slicked hair, slick manner, not-so-slick suit – previously owned cars, and the lots they come from, aren’t always looked upon as desirable. Most retailers have their own pre-owned department and salespeople within the same building.
Often it may seem like a secondary operation to the retailer’s new car department, particularly where sales volumes and size are concerned. It’s typical for used car trade-ins to be viewed as unwanted byproducts of new car sales and the pre-owned department a burdensome cost of regular auto retail business.

This is not the case at Brian Jessel BMW.
Actually, the sale of new vehicles is closely linked with the pre-owned department. Besides selling pre-owned vehicles, that department also acts as a brace to support the new car department. The sale of a new vehicle often involves a trade-in and the value ofthe trade-in is often a significantfactor in the customer’s decision to buy a car. It is crucial that the retailer give each customer a quick, accurate and ultimately satisfying trade-in value. This is done once the pre-owned sales manager performs professional appraisals to evaluate the physical and mechanical condition, history, mileage, and current market conditions that influence trade-in value. Once the transaction is complete, the traded car is then turned overto the Pre-Owned departmentfor reconditioning, where it will eventually rejoin the market
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“BMW’s worldwide campaign to promote Certified Pre-Owned BMWs has as its slogan, “Looks like new. Performs like new”

The sales performance of pre-owned cars is also importantto the brand’s manufacturer and is closely monitored in each ofthe franchise’s dealerships. Pricing and sales performance of a brand’s used cars can significantly impact new car pricing and residual value, notto mention the brand’s image. The pre owned sales performance of a certain model will affect the sale of that same model in the new car sector – because resale is always a consideration when buying new, strong pre-owned sales can naturally lead to stronger new-vehicle sales for a particular model.
On the other side, manufacturers review the pre-owned sale prices and performance of each model to decide the residual value of a new car lease program, which is crucial for both the manufacturers and the consumers. Manufacturers must be accurate with a car’s residual value to ensure profitability when reselling the vehicle after lease. The brand’s quality overtime can also be gauged from their pre-owned cars vehicles that last longer and are more reliable are more valuable in the pre-owned market.
It benefits the manufacturer and individual dealerships to offer incentives, promotions and after-sale services for not only new-car sales but on pre-owned sales as well. It also makes sense for the manufacturer to offer equal support to their dealerships’ pre-owned departments to help boost sales – to expand new car sales, pre-owned sales must grow at the same time to accommodate. The two departments are essentially interchangeable – it’s logical for potential car buyers to consider both pre-owned and new models, so each department must be able to provide equal services to the customers.
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To help spur sales of pre-owned vehicles, manufacturers are smartto offer programs such as special, comparable finance rates, extended warranties and protection plans on certified vehicles. Brian Jessel BMW has continuously changing promotions and is very vocal aboutthe integrity of its pre-owned vehicles. BMW’s worldwide campaign to promote Certified Pre-owned BMWs has as its slogan, “Looks like new.
Performs like new.” On a local level, we also advertise our inventory in print and online our inventory is updated daily on our own website, various pre-owned classified websites such as AutoTrader and Craigslist, and weekly in the Province newspaper. And to ensure solidarity and consistency of service, our new-car and pre-owned sales departments share the same after-sales services our Customer Relations department looks after all customer concerns and inquiries after the sale, while valet drivers and 150-plus BMW service loaners in ourfleet are available when that new or pre-owned car needs servicing or requires special attention.
At Brian Jessel BMW, our pre-owned department continues to grow every year. Last year we saw four exceptional months of retailing over 100 pre-owned BMWs per month, and sold a record-breaking 1,000-plus pre-owned BMWs in 2010 – a benchmark that was considered out of reach by premium brand dealerships across Canada. These encouraging numbers have prompted us to expand our pre-owned operations to a secondary division, Brian Jessel Wholesale Outlet a natural extension of our strong emphasis on customer service and satisfaction. As an alternative to the Certified Pre-Owned BMWs at our main dealership, the Outlet offers valued non-certified BMWs.
While these prices are lower than their Certified counterparts, every car has nonetheless been selected by us and has passed a safety inspection atthe hands of our own certified technicians. As our inventory continues to grow, we always have a wide range of quality Certified Series Pre-owned BMWs to offer and our 2011 agenda is packed with promotions and department improvements to better serve you. Please visit our web site at www.brianjesselbmw.com for continued updates on inventory and promotions.
Fornon-certified value-priced BMWs, visit www.brianjesselwholesaleoutlet.com. Check back often, as these great cars sell quickly. We look forward to seeing you soon. Robert Fan, Pre-Owned Sales Manager Nicky Lam, Pre-Owned Inventory Coordinator John Arani, Sales Consultant, Wholesale Outlet