Glen Bohnet and his Teambold have established themselves as a collective realty group focused largely on the Tri-cities area. His introduction to real estate came in 1993, selling a 24 single-family site in Burnaby called Deerbrook. It was a career launch that would bolster his confi dence and guide him in the distinguished career he holds today.
Selling additional subdivisions and enjoying the overall client interaction, Bohnet started receiving requests for Anmore a picturesque land area of 27 square kilometers north of Port Moody and situated along the shores of Indian Arm. “Eventually I was presented with a large development in Anmore called Pinnacle Ridge Estates,” he says. “This was a diff erent opportunity. The buyers had alternate needs from any of my other clients up to this point. They wanted land and privacy — and this is what Anmore off ered.”
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“ We had a chance to purchase one of my builder’s properties. We jumped on it and made it our home. We moved in, got married and both of us are proud to be able to enjoy the wonderful lifestyle we have created.”

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Over the years, Bohnet’s Teambold focused heavily on the beautiful community of Anmore and in the process, became the foremost experts on the area. Anmore is among the most sought-after real estate property in the Lower Mainland. “This opportunity changed my life. It’s also when I met my wife, Julia.
She loved the area,” says Bohnet. “We knew this was where, we too, wanted to live.” Glen and Julia are now proud Anmore residents.“We had a chance to purchase one of my builder’s properties. We jumped on it and made it our home. We moved in, got married and both of us are proud to be able to enjoy the wonderful lifestyle we have created.”
Bohnet has coined the area, “The Hamptons of Vancouver,” likening Anmore to the exclusive properties and affl uent lifestyle the residents of Long Island, New York regard as their getaway destination.
Since focusing on this beautiful community, Glen Bohnet has noticed a huge spike in interest among potential buyers looking to become part of an exclusive environment. Over time he has seen a change in what clients expect from multi-million-dollar homes, and that is safety and privacy, but still being a part of a fi ne neighbourhood. That’s exactly what Bohnet and wife Julia found living in Anmore.
“It’s like our parents’ generation, where you could run next door if you needed a cup of sugar,” he says. “We enjoy the local lakes and natural beauty like everyone but we also enjoy the peace and tranquility of being away from the hustle and bustle of day-to-day life. “We laugh and enjoy our neighbours, sitting around the fi re pit and drinking fi ne wines.”
While Glen remains the biggest proponent of the pastoral splendor of Anmore, he ponders what lies ahead. “This is the best and most livable area we know. Sometimes we joke amongst each other that we don’t want this secret to get out. We might start seeing line-ups.”