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This issue’s winner is Brian Jessel BMW client Nik Green (@NikGreen33).
“My 2015 BMW M3 (F80) has become my calling card on Instagram. It’s my third BMW from Brian Jessel, second M3 and my favourite car I’ve owned to date. From talking to some of my Instagram followers, I’ve determined that the initial attraction is the colour: Yas Marina Blue. This eye-catching shade is a constant topic of conversation at gas pumps, Facebook and especially Instagram.
“An especially memorable shot was taken during the forest fires which threatened my hometown of Grand Forks in the Kootenays last summer. The smoke from three separate fires rose around my hometown. As I looked down the typically clear valley I saw my M3 lit by the diffused light of the murky sky and snapped a shot on my iPhone 6 Plus.
“Most of the shots I take of my car make me think of how thankful I am to drive this brilliant piece of engineering. In this case it also made me think of how thankful I am that my hometown escaped without any damage from the forest fires, so it’s an image I won’t soon forget.”
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Your Shot Here
Take a sweet photo of yourself and your Brian Jessel BMW with a few words about why you love your ride. Then, tag @BrianJesselBMW on Instagram and Twitter with the hashtag #MyBJBMW. We’ll pick the best photos and run them in a future issue of this magazine, plus set you up with some great prizes.