115 luxury and supercar drivers and their guests gathered on Saturday morning June 14, 2014 at Brian Jessel BMW on Boundary Rd. to check-in, register and receive their decal rally numbers and playing cards for an epic journey up to Whistler on the Sea-to-Sky Highway as part of the Diamond Rally. Opening remarks were made by Jim Murray, Brian Jessel BMW managing director; Robbie Dickson, Diamond Rally director and co-founder; Craig Stowe, Diamond Rally co-founder; and Sassan Pourfar, Lugaro Jewellers VP buyer. Crowds gathered to see the cars on display prior to the police motorcycle escort which led drivers to the highway shortly before noon.
This was also the first rally drive for the new BMW i8 all-electric supercar which led the procession to the highway and had heads turning at every glance.
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Once on the road the first stop was Chances Casino in Squamish where refreshments were provided and drivers also received a second playing card. The casino provided over 100 parking stalls for the cars which were on display for the Squamish crowds. After a brief pit-stop drivers headed back on the highway towards the final destination of Whistler. Upon arriving at Whistler Olympic Plaza drivers received their next playing card and re-grouped their cars for a full on display in Olympic Plaza. Tourists were able to get close up to the cars and some drivers even allowed folks to sit in the driver’s seat and live out their wildest dreams of having a photo taken in a supercar. After a 2 hour display the cars were led out of the plaza in a grand succession as people lined the route to take photos and videotape the once-a-year event.

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Rally-goers then had the opportunity to relax at the Four Seasons Hotel or at their own residence until the presentation of awards and sabering of Champagne at Araxi Restaurant. This was the final stop where drivers picked up their last playing card and turned in their hand. For most, this was the end of the rally. On Sunday, some guests enjoyed golf, others drove to North Vancouver for the exotic car display and more drove to the Sparkling Hills Resort in Vernon with Robbie Dickson and friends.
Drivers had the opportunity to raise money for the charity of their choice through a private owner entry or corporate entry. The money raised goes directly from one’s team to the charity of choice. For one participant, Darren Pedersen, the rally meant much more to him than a drive to Whistler. Darren was diagnosed with stage 3 colorectal cancer after not feeling 100% for a few months. After a colonoscopy, it was immediately deterined that he had cancer.
At the same time, his sister Kelly had been diagnosed with brain cancer and was preparing for surgery. Cancer has a history with Darren and Kelly as they lost their father to brain cancer in 1994. The rally gave them the opportunity to help others and raise awareness since early detection is the best chance to beat cancer. This led to the idea to wrap his car and sell Faith Hope Love Colon Cancer Awareness decals with proceeds going to St. Paul’s Hospital and the colorectal cancer dept.

This year, the Diamond Rally will be held May 30th. with Brian Jessel BMW being the start location of the rally. You are invited to come by Brian Jessel BMW that morning and see this amazing collection of cars in one location. Rally starts from 2311 Boundary Road, Vancouver, B.C. There are many charities participating, including Children’s Wish Foundation and VPD Motorcycle Drill Team. We look forward to you joining us. For complete details of qualifying cars and event information, please visit www.diamondrally.com