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AI Tools, You Need to Know About that Aren’t ChatGPT

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Story by Mike Agerbo

In the past two years, tools like ChatGPT from OpenAI, the large language model, have begun to change the way we see and interact with artificial intelligence.

Through simple prompts, users can ask it to create blogs, entire essays, social media plans, job descriptions or code a website, all within seconds. In most cases you can get professional results, in the worst case, it provides a framework to build on. In both, the time savings are immense.

Companies such as Microsoft, seeing the foundational changes beginning to occur, have jumped feverishly into the deep-end, investing billions of dollars and changing their business course. Recently launched, Copilot is a heavy integration of OpenAI’s technology into all facets of Microsoft products, such as Offi ce and Windows. So confi dent of this change, they’ve even announced that the Windows key on Windows laptops and desktop keyboards is being replaced with an AI Copilot key.

AI help is just a click away. Even Facebook has a new AI icon that you can do anything with. Intel’s new Corel Ultra computer chips have Neural Processing Units built in, designed to do the heavy lifting for AI processes. The next fi ve years is going to accelerate our use of these tools and, most importantly, our acceptance. But you’re limiting yourself if you don’t do a little exploring to see what else is out there.

There are hundreds of other AI companies that you need to know about!Whether you’re a business owner or simply needing to up your skills, here are fi ve AI tools that aren’t ChatGPT or Copilot that you need to learn about. Do you need to be an expert in using them? No, but you need to have awareness of these tools and find the parts that can help you grow your business or your skills.

Once you start understanding the fundamentals of how they work, it’s an easy transition to using others.So, what’s the learning curve? In most cases, it’s pretty quick.

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There are several popular text-to-image engines out there, including Dall-E from OpenAI, and Stable Diff usion, but Midjourney is at the top of the heap when it comes to quality and creativity. Used by graphics professionals, its output is mind blowing. The caveat? It’s not easy to use. You need to set up a Discord account and then access it through the messaging platform. But if you can get past the initial hurdles, it will blow your mind. My company uses it for logo creation and creating photographs to replace stock images.

Fireflies AI

How many Zoom or Team meetings are you on in a week? Too many, I’m guessing. Firefl ies AI will make your life easier by doing the listening for you, so you can spend more time engaging, instead of taking notes. It will transcribe the meeting and summarize all the key points so you can use the information for proposals, presentations, blogs and more.


Need to sketch out a new product design, but you draw like a three-year-old high on sugar? Autodraw to the rescue. Even the worst artists can turn their sketches into professional looking objects, characters or products. Great for taking your pitches and presentations to the next level.

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Expand your business into other countries with an amazing tool that translates your podcasts or even videos. This tool will automatically convert your content into more than 130 diff erent languages, even lip syncing your videos, so it truly looks like you are speaking. Plus, it has voice cloning to make it sounds like you, in whatever language you choose.


Tome is a tool that can help you generate presentations and pitch decks in a fraction of the time. It can help with marketing materials, presentations aimed at investors, or even for school assignments.

Learning Curve

So, what’s the learning curve? In most cases, it’s pretty quick because AI does the work for you! Of course, you’ll want to dig a little deeper to truly unlock their benefi ts. Most of these tools have great tutorials through their respective websites. I also join and follow the specifi c user groups on Reddit and Facebook. They are great places for inspiration on using the tools above. The key is to start. You have nothing to lose, except all the time it used to take you to grow your business and skills!

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