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Story by Joe Leary

Angela Haer is elevating her public profi le as she navigates the path from civic service to that on the national stage.In October, 2023, the 49-year-old single mother of three and elected member of the Vancouver Park Board, announced plans to run for the federal Conservative Party in the pivotal riding of Vancouver Granville, currently held by the Liberal Party.In her time with ABC Vancouver she is considered a rising star.Haer remains steadfast to the principles of making communities better for all to live and prosper.

Q: What made you want to throw your hat in the federal ring and what as racted you to the Conservative party?

Angela: My decision to run for federal offi ce is deeply personal and driven by my life experiences and values. Growing up in Edmonton, Alberta, I was surrounded by a community that emphasized hard work, resilience, and conservative principles. These values have stayed with me throughout my career as an entrepreneur in real estate development for over 15 years, and as a director in a Life Sciences/Healthcare business for the past fi ve years.I’ve seen firsthand how government policies can impact lives and

I believe the current Liberal government has failed Vancouver Granville. Issues such as safety, a lack of aff ordable housing and the negative impact of high taxes on small businesses are critical areas that need immediate attention. I’m running because I want to be the face of change in Vancouver, advocating for common sense solutions that will improve the lives of my constituents.Winning with ABC Vancouver in the municipal election was a pivotal moment for me. I moved the most motions for the people of Vancouver and demonstrated the power of strong, community-focused leadership.

Q: What is your impression of Pierre Poilievre?

Angela: Pierre Poilievre is a leader who embodies the core values of the Conservative Party with unwavering dedication and integrity and his ability to communicate eff ectively and connect with Canadians from all walks of life is truly inspiring. Pierre is not just a politician; he is a person who deeply cares about the future of our country and works tirelessly to promote policies that benefit all Canadians. His commitment to conservative principles, combined with his pragmatic approach to problem-solving, makes him an exceptional leader. I believe his vision and leadership will guide Canada towards a more prosperous and secure future.

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” Winning with ABC Vancouver in the municipal election was a pivotal moment for me. I moved the most motions for the people of Vancouver and demonstrated the power of strong, community focused leadership.”

Q: How do you see the Conservatives addressing economic issues that face Canadians?

Angela: The Conservatives have a comprehensive plan to address the economic challenges facing Canadians. Our approach focuses on reducing taxes, cutting red tape and promoting business-friendly policies to stimulate economic growth and job creation. By fostering an environment where businesses can thrive, we can generate more employment opportunities and ensure that families have the fi nancial stability they need.

Q: Can a Conservative government grow the economy and make life more aff ordable for all Canadians?

Angela: Yes, we can. Growing the economy and making life more aff ordable for Canadians are at the heart of our economic strategy. By implementing policies that encourage investment, innovation, and entrepreneurship, we can drive economic growth and create a more prosperous future for everyone.

Our goal is to reduce the fi nancial burden on families and ensure that every Canadian has the opportunity to achieve fi nancial stability and a high quality of life.

Q: If successful, how will you balance life in Vancouver and your commitments in OGS awa? And how do you spend down time?

Angela: My commitment to serving the people of Vancouver Granville is unwavering. I have a strong support system in place and believe in maintaining open communication with my constituents. My family has always been my source of strength and motivation, and their support allows me to pursue this important work. To unwind, I love skiing with my three children — which is a great family activity to do together — and my cold plunges at the Scandinave Spa in Whistler. I can now do at least fi ve minutes at a time.

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